In order to understand Link Building tips, let us begin with a simple question-

Do you recommend a good restaurant or a movie for your best friend or a bad one?

If you are not trying to pull any pranks, chances are that you are going for the first option. This simplicity is key to understanding Link Building.

In this article, We will help you with the top 12 good quality link building tips for 2023.

We Will Cover Some Important Questions Like-

  • ‘How can link building tips and SEO helps drive traffic to my website?’
  • ‘What are the good links and bad links?’
  • ‘How can I check the metrics of link building? Is there a tool for the same?’
  • ‘Is a bad link building dangerous for the health of my website?’
  • ‘What are Guest Posting Services? Is it similar to link building and SEO?’
Top 12 Link Building Tips: Problems In Understanding

When people try to figure out link building tips, confusing responses on the internet muddle their thoughts. Link Building is a simple element to carry out. You do not need to have a software engineering degree from MIT to ace it.

Therefore, the next question that arises is- why has everyone tried to make it so damn complicated?

We need to understand that if a digital marketing issue is simple, there is no market for it. Simplicity is not good for business. Hence, there are many on the internet who try to problematize it.

You need to have a guide/advice forum, which offers simple and uncomplicated advice. Many people shout at the top of their voices about updates from Google, Moz, Ahrefs, and others.

These updates are important, but what are these updates about is the main thing to understand. If you have been true to the ethics of building good quality links from the very start, you need not worry about these updates.

These updates are worrisome for people who have used unscrupulous ways to get backlinks. Bad and manipulative methods to climb the SERPs have made the health of these sites deteriorate post the updates.

What Is Link Building?

Link building is a process where you simply put out addresses for your website on other websites. These other websites should be industry related, reputable, and have a lot of organic reach.

The ‘address’ as has been casually mentioned are hyperlinks for particular pages of your website. This helps audiences reading a content piece on another website to follow the link and land on your page.

Link building is critical for the health of your website. More importantly, it is essential for Google. It helps you rank well on SERPs, and drives traffic from other websites to your website.

All this sounds easy, but with the advent of paid link buying and guest posting, things have taken a turn for the worse.

Google has come down heavily on link-selling sites and companies. Google is also heavily penalizing companies, which are using or promoting plagiarized content and spun articles to artificially place links.

If you want to know about ethical white hat link-building, you can get in touch with one of the best link building companies in the world.

There are many ways in which you can create good-quality backlinks. From choosing link building directories to buying links, to link requests, you can do it all.

However, I feel that two ways are critical for ethical link building. This will help you score well on the SERPs and not invite Google’s wrath at the same time.

In order to know about the top link building tips in 2023, you need to start with the following two ways-

(i) In-Content Link Building:

This is a great way to build credibility and become an authoritative industry voice. If you are going for in-content link building, you need to provide solutions for problems. This will help you gain a massive organic following.

In-content link building techniques are preferred way for brands and digital marketing agencies. This has been proven to drive organic traffic to your service pages, or blog pages.

(ii) Social Media Link Building:

Social Media link building is another key way in which you can help drive traffic to your website.

By sharing good quality articles on social media, you can help drive traffic from your social media to your website or blog.

Another way is to ask content sites or journals, which have a massive following to share your links. If they agree to share your links on their social media handles, imagine the kind of traffic you can get.

Why Link Building Is Important?

Why Link Building Is Important?

Link building is the surest way to help Google rank your website. When Google closed down its PageRank Algorithm, it identified links as an indication.

A good website was one which had links on good performing websites, and people were clicking that link and shifting to a new page.

When popular websites link to yours, it shows that your content is valuable enough to get a link.

Nearly twenty years, we can safely say that links and link building are still the most complete way to rank the quality of a website or a webpage.

How Link Building Changed In 2023?

On the other hand, twenty years means a lot of time for updates, best practices, and tutorials. The foundations might remain the same, but the means of getting there have definitely changed.

Earlier getting 500 links from one bad website was good enough, but not anymore. Now getting 500 links from 500 decent websites is much better. All this is better not in our eyes or your eyes, but Google’s.

The earlier statements point to the fact that it is essential to have your links placed on a good quality website. Diversity matters as well.

It also makes a lot of common sense. If you have more websites with lesser links, you are automatically attracting diverse audiences and traffic.

Another great change has been Google’s emphasis on good quality relative sites. For instance, if you were a health brand, it would not have mattered if you had placed links on a +50 DA technology site. Google has changed this.

The relevance of your link should be compatible with the relevance of the website where you have placed the link. A health brand website linking to a health-related journal/e-magazine is perfect for Google.

Relevancy is the new PageRank.

The placement of the link also matters a lot. If your link is placed in content, it will get more weight and percentage from Google. Audiences too will be able to understand them as original and authentic.

Using spun article software, or plagiarized content is a big ‘no’ from Google. If the site to which you have linked is using spun articles, Google is going to come down harshly. This also qualifies as a bad link.

Top 12 Link Building Tips And Tricks In 2023

Do you want to achieve next-level results with proven link building strategies? Keep reading…

1. Link To Authority And Relevant Websites

Link To Authority And Relevant Websites

As we have stated briefly, one of the biggest updates from Google promotes relevancy. You should always link to sites that are relevant to your business/industry and are high performing.

What are high performing sites? Ones that have good traffic, high Domain Authority (DA), and Domain Ranking (DR). It would not be a bad idea to check for the number of backlinks a site has.

Avoid having links on generic websites. You can select web pages that are similar to your niche. This will help with Google, as well as help you gain a great amount of relevant traffic.

2. Outreach And Guest Posting

Outreach And Guest Posting

What is outreach? What is guest posting? Can we combine both? Yes, you can. Among all the link building tips you saw on the internet, guest posting is one of the most effective link building advice.

In simple language, guest posting is writing for other sites and getting a link back to yours. Guest posting starts with outreach.

Look For Sites That Are:

  • Relevant
  • Popular
  • Decent SEO metrics

Here you reach out to the relevant websites and ask them whether they accept guests’ posts or not. The success of outreach lies in sending a stellar pitch which is personalized and directly speaks to the needs of the audience.

On approval, you start writing for them. Ensure you write high quality content that offers solutions. Also try to incorporate a fresh perspective.

Pro Tip: While guest posting it is better to write select topics that haven’t been covered by the contributor site.

3. Social Media Link Building

Social Media Link Building

In-content link building is good, and social media link building is even better. Social Media giants are increasingly promoting links organically.

If you can convince good websites and brands to share your linked articles or pages, your success will be infinite.

Small link building tips- try to ask publishers if they will be able to share your article/link with their email subscriber database. They usually take a small price but have your links sent to 30,000-odd people. Priceless!

4. Quality Content: Whether It’s 2023 Or 2050

Quality Content

Always ensure that the content that bears your link is of the highest quality. If your article is informative, educational, and offers great solutions, you will get much more link-driven traffic.

People do not follow links simply for the heck of it. People will click on links only if they see value in them. If you combine this with our first point, (relevancy) you have hit upon a jackpot.

As a result of the article being of quality, publishers would also accept the articles and links much more easily.

5. Long Format Content

Long Format Content

In addition to the quality of the article, the word length matters a lot as well. Think about it for a second.

What information or guide would you rather believe in when it comes to buying a car? Will you pay attention to one that is 300-odd words, or one that is over 2000 words long?

The answer is simple. Google thinks that the long-format articles with links in them are informative and credible. They are more apt in solving a problem. Likewise, audiences too would go for long structured articles as being more genuine.

6. Anchor Text And Keywords

Anchor Text And Keywords

Naturally, placed anchor texts and keywords have a better chance of being clicked than ones that are artificial.

While exact matches for keywords and partial matches have nearly the same impact on search and keyword, I have a different interpretation of the same.

Always try to use anchor texts/keywords that make sense. ‘Wedding Photographer Victoria’, when used in the context of an article, will be impossible to pace naturally.

However, ‘Wedding Photographer in Australia’ will be easy. According to insiders at Google, the ‘it’ really does not make much of a difference.

7. Stay Away From Black Hat Link Building Strategies

Stay Away From Black Hat Link Building Strategies

If you have a digital marketing agency on a retainer, always ask them about which web pages are hosting your links.

I usually give my clients a link building report with the URLs of all the web pages that bear the links.

This helps them check for themselves about the relevancy of the sites in which their links are. Please stay away from Black Hat Link Building strategies.

You might get away with it for a very long time. However, please be rest assured that Google and the web police are going to catch you soon.

True Story– I once had a client who used black hat link building for the first year or so of his automobile review site. He got successful using the strategy. After the first year itself, he stopped, reading about how Google penalizes sites. After 4 years, Google and others penalized him for his bad decisions in the first year. His site, which had a DA of 67, 80k organic visitors, DR of 58, was de-indexed! Can you believe that?

8. Do Your Link Building Research

Do Your Link Building Research

It is not a good idea to leave everything to your digital marketing agency. Before undertaking a link building campaign you should find out about its core concepts.

You should also do a competitor analysis. The two best tools on the market for link building and SEO are MOZ and Ahrefs.

While they offer paid subscriptions, I can vouch for it being a great value for money tool. You will get tons of credible information that you can use to optimize your link building and SEO strategy.

If you find it confusing, sit down with your digital agency and ask them to guide you in the process.

9. Link Building Through Videos

Link Building Through Videos

We came across an interesting piece of statistics the other day- YouTube has as many as 2 billion monthly subscribers.

If you are smart, you should have a YouTube channel (in addition, you should also be on Vimeo). If you are smarter, you will have links placed in the description section of the video.

Video content is the next ‘big thing’ now. Your link building strategies should definitely have a YouTube and a Vimeo angle to them. According to some estimates, you will get more clicks on YouTube than on static article content.

10. Explore Quora, Glassdoor, And Reddit As Credible Options

Explore Quora, Glassdoor, And Reddit As Credible Options

Platforms such as Quora, Glassdoor, and the now aged Reddit, are acquiring a serious reputation. With millions of visitors every day, Quora offers brands some very interesting possibilities.

You cannot make a company account on Quora. However, if you are smart enough, you will figure out ways to make a personal account the voice of your brand.

For example, if you are a biscuit brand, you can do the following.

Lookup for threads on snacks and biscuits

Lookup for threads on healthy eating

Comment in an informative and educated manner in the thread. You should appear as though you are not affiliated with any brand. After you have made your comment, share a link to the biscuit brand, which I find most healthy.

You will be amazed at the possibility Quora can offer you.

11. Internal Links Really Make Sense

Internal Links Really Make Sense

Have internal links between your blogs and the inner pages of your website. Do this in an organic manner, and not in an artificial or forced manner.

If you have written an informative blog on digital marketing in 2023, and offer solutions, you can place a link on the blog that leads to one of your service pages.

Internal links are essential for Google. This also helps in announcing confidence and credibility for your brand.

Having a robust internal linking structure tempts people to stay longer with your site. As a result, your bounce rate reduces.

12. Take Advantage Of Infographics And Other Visuals

Take Advantage Of Infographics And Other Visuals

Pay attention to these mind blowing statistics related to infographics:

Infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than articles.

It has sufficient reasons for it. Because visuals are easier to digest. Compared to text-based content, in the case of visuals, you can easily scan the information that you are looking for.

So, if you want more eyes on your brand, create valuable infographics. If people love it, they will share it as well. As a result, you will end up receiving an inbound link to your content.

Point To Remember: Whenever You Are Creating An Infographic, Ensure It Is:

  • Visually appealing
  • Easily readable
  • Contains a link pointed to your website or content

How Google Interprets Link Building

Google is quite clear about its stance with respect to link building. They have already clarified that anything that is intended to manipulate the algorithm will be regarded as link spam.

What does that mean? Your sole purpose is to produce value. It must be a win-win for both the sites and their audience.

Refrain From Malpractices Like:

  • Spun content.
  • Keyword Spamming.
  • Thin content.
  • Buying and selling content without paying attention to relevance.
  • Getting links from low-quality directories and bookmarks.
  • Link exchanges in an unscrupulous manner.

The Final Word

Any digital marketing strategy including link building cannot happen in isolation. It has to be done simultaneously with your SEO, SEM, SMM, and others.

There is also a need for clients to be autonomous of their agencies when it comes to link building. It is imperative that brands do not listen to any and everything said by the agency.

It is essential that brands know about the details of link building. Think of placing links as breadcrumbs on the road. Good hosting sites will always let your breadcrumbs be there. In other words, people will always be able to get their directions to your site.

If you can follow our link building tips, you will be rewarded for your brand. This guide will help you climb the SERPs, drive new traffic, and assist in sales. Yes, that is a certain possibility.

My link building tips have been compiled after over ten years of experience in the domain of link building.

A good link building strategy does wonders for your SERPs. I have seen businesses convert from revenues of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars in a couple of months.

Small Tip– Link Building Tips can help you meet your sales targets effectively. Good quality links in great publications can drive a huge volume of traffic to your landing page. Why do I know this? I sold over 5000 pieces of a cell phone variety for a client. P.S. The client had South Korean ‘links!

For any other information on Link Building Tips or digital marketing hit us up in the comments section.

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Mashum Mollah
Content Writer

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at BloggerOutreach.