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Welcome to another value-packed article!

Do you know SEO is still the number one way to gain online visibility? And when it comes to SEO, content is the ultimate thing.

Whether you’re a marketer or a writer, It’s time to dive into SEO writing.

This article will show you how to create search engine-friendly web content that captures readers’ attention.

The truth is, when SEO is done correctly, it can work wonders for businesses and brands.

So, why not join the SEO writing revolution?

Here’s a comprehensive SEO content writing checklist to get you started.

When You Use The Best Practices Consistently, You’ll:

  • Boost brand awareness.
  • Drive traffic.
  • Generate leads.

This class will teach you how to shine your content in user experience and search engine rankings.

But before we delve into the details, let’s play a quick guessing game: what could be the secret factor that digital marketers hate and writers often misunderstand yet proves to be immensely profitable when mastered?

Read this article to explore whether you can figure out the same.

Table Of Content

What Is Content Writing Checklist?

What Is Content Writing Checklist?

\ing the content writing checklist!

As your personal assistant, it guides you through creating engaging, search engine-friendly content.

So, what exactly is a content writing checklist? Before hitting that magical “publish” button, consider the following best practices. Consider it your secret weapon for conquering the vast digital world.

With A Content Writing Checklist, You Can Confidently Address Crucial Elements Like:

  • Keyword optimization
  • Readability
  • Structure
  • Relevance

With it, you get a great reader experience, SEO-friendliness, and overall content quality.

This checklist will help you create content that engages your audience, attracts organic traffic, and makes your brand stand out.

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Content Writing Checklist: 20 Pointers

Now we will be going to reveal an SEO Content Writing Checklist. There are 20 actionable insights covered in this list. Let’s explore!

1. Does Your Content Match The Search Intent?

Does Your Content Match The Search Intent?

When someone types a query into a search engine, your content should provide the answer or solution they seek.

To achieve this, start by understanding the different types of search intent.

Are users looking for informational content, such as guides or tutorials?

Do they want to make a purchase, indicating commercial intent?

Or are they seeking specific websites or brand information reflecting navigational intent?

Once you’ve identified the search intent, tailor your content accordingly.

To Match The Search Intent, You Can Do The Following:

  • You can craft compelling headlines, introductions, and subheadings directly addressing the user’s needs.
  • To meet their search intent, provide valuable information, actionable tips, and engaging examples.
  • Provide comprehensive, well-structured, and easy-to-navigate content.

2. How Well Does Your Content Align With Your Goals?

How Well Does Your Content Align With Your Goals?

First things first, what’s your goal?

Is it to educate, entertain, or persuade?

If you know your goal, your content will be more effective.

Educators should ensure their information is accurate, well-researched, and presented clearly and concisely.

Next, think about your target audience. Are you targeting tech-savvy millennials or seasoned professionals? Speak their language, address their pain points, and provide solutions they’ll love.

Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of your content.

Do you have an attention-grabbing headline? Is your introduction engaging right from the start? Your first impression only lasts a few seconds. Put your best foot forward!

3. Have You Produced Sharable Content?

Have You Produced Sharable Content?

You can turn good content into a viral sensation with shareable content.

The next step is to make your content easy to consume.

Use headings, bullet points, and visuals to make it appealing and easily scannable.

People have short attention spans, so make your content easy to digest.

Don’t forget to add a dash of personality. Adding your own voice or humor can make your content more memorable and relatable. 

People love sharing content that connects with them.

4. Topic Coverage: Address Everything There Is To Know About The Topic

Topic Coverage: Address Everything There Is To Know About The Topic

When you cover the topic comprehensively, you become a go-to resource for readers.

By demonstrating your knowledge, you’ll not only impress people but also search engines. Writing valuable, thorough content makes you more likely to rank higher in search results.

So, How Can You Ensure Your Content Covers All The Bases?

  • Do your research.
  • Analyze the blog ranking on the first page for that particular keyword.
  • Identify the aspects that they haven’t touched yet.
  • Add all points covered by the articles ranking on the first page. Make sure your content doesn’t require them to go anywhere. Your content should cover all aspects.

5. Is Your Focus Keyword Right?

Is Your Focus Keyword Right?

Focus Kywords is like your content’s guiding star. You aim to rank for this phrase or term in search engine results.

Imagine it like a secret password search engines use to figure out what you’re writing about. You need to pick the right focus keyword to reach the right audience.

What is the best way to determine if your focus keyword is right? First, determine if the keyword accurately describes the content’s main theme. Would people actually search for it? Consider how they would search for information like yours if you were in their shoes.

Your focus keyword should also have a high search volume and low competition. Are you struggling to stand out because it’s too broad? Is it too specific, potentially limiting your reach? Finding the sweet spot is key.

6. Is The Length Correct? Long-form Or Short-form?

Is The Length Correct? Long-form Or Short-form?

If you need a quick answer to a question or a simple solution to a problem, you don’t want to scroll through pages of text. Right? Information should be presented to you clearly and concisely. A shorter piece that gets straight to the point will suffice in such cases.

On the other hand, if you are writing a guide, you need to produce thorough, well-researched, maybe 2000+ word content.

So there is no hard and fast rule for it. It depends on the scope of the topic. So, the key is to strike a balance.

Think about your content’s purpose, the topic, and your target audience’s needs. Embrace the longer format if it requires a thorough dive into a complex subject.

So, keep this content writing checklist item in mind.

7. Readability – Is It Easy To Scan For Information?

Readability - Is It Easy To Scan For Information?

Day by day, people’s attention spans are decreasing. Most people don’t have the time or patience to read every word on a webpage. They aim to find what they need as quickly and efficiently as possible. Therefore, your content must be easy to scan.

What are the best ways to achieve this?

Make your text bite-sized by breaking it up into small paragraphs. You can make your readers’ lives easier by using shorter paragraphs.

Another helpful technique is to utilize subheadings. These act as signposts, guiding your readers through the different sections of your content. Using subheadings makes your content more visually appealing and easier to scan.

Bullet points and numbered lists are also your friends regarding scannability. They allow you to present information in a concise and easily digestible format.

Moreover, images, graphs, or infographics can break up the text and provide visual cues that help readers navigate your content. Visuals can also enhance understanding and make complex concepts more accessible.

8. Have You Added Keywords To Your Title And Headers?

Have You Added Keywords To Your Title And Headers?

Think of titles as the first impression of your content. It’s important that they’re catchy, informative, and optimized. Relevant keywords can help your content appear in search results and grab readers’ attention.

Headers, on the other hand, are like signposts within your content. They break down your article into digestible chunks and make navigating easier for readers.

Double-check your content writing checklist before you hit the publish button.

As yourself: Have I added relevant keywords to my title and headings?

Congratulations if you answered yes! Now that you’ve optimized your content for readers and search engines, you’re well on your way.

9. Have You Optimized Your Anchor Text?

Have You Optimized Your Anchor Text?

Search engines and readers both benefit from optimizing anchor text.

So, how do you optimize your anchor text? Let’s break it down into three simple steps:

  • Be descriptive. Avoid generic phrases like “click here” or “read more.” Instead, use relevant keywords. Your anchor text could be something like “Check out these amazing hiking trails” if you’re linking to an article about hiking trails.
  • Secondly, keep it natural. Make sure your anchor text blends seamlessly with the surrounding text. It shouldn’t stand out. Your content should flow naturally.
  • Make sure your anchor text is diverse. Whenever you create a hyperlink, don’t use the same keyword. To create an engaging linking profile, use variations of your target keywords.

10. Long-Tail Keyword For The More Targeted Audience

Long-Tail Keyword For The More Targeted Audience

How do you find the perfect long-tail keyword? You need to understand your audience and do some keyword research. Consider your potential customer’s perspective.

How might they search for your product or service? What terms or phrases might they use? You can leverage any tool to achieve the same.

You’ve found your long-tail keyword; now it’s time to weave it into your content. Sprinkle your keywords organically throughout your blog post or article with a keyword density of 1-2%. Your writing should still be natural and provide readers with value.

11. Is Your Content Readable Enough?

Is Your Content Readable Enough?

Don’t forget to refer to our Content Writing Checklist for guidance. Before you press the publish button, ask yourself several questions. Do you have clear and concise content? Break up the text with headings and subheadings. Use plain language instead of jargon.

Long, complex sentences can be a real turnoff.

Ideally, your sentences should be between 15-20 words long. To keep things lively, make long sentences shorter and punchier.

Let’s talk about paragraphs next. Large blocks of text turn readers off. Make your content visually appealing using shorter paragraphs of 2-4 sentences.

Readability isn’t JUST about technical details. It’s also about connecting with your audience personally. Make your writing more personal. When appropriate, sprinkle humor and be conversational. Readers will appreciate it.

12. What About The Content Flow? Is The Content Easy To Navigate For The Reader?

What About The Content Flow? Is The Content Easy To Navigate For The Reader?

Your content’s flow plays an important role here. You want your readers to move smoothly from one sentence to another, from one paragraph to another. Engage, immerse, and keep them wanting more.

What is the secret to achieving this magical flow? We’ve got you covered with our content writing checklist. To begin with, organize and logically structure your content.

Set the stage for what’s to come with an engaging introduction. Then, smoothly transition between sections and ideas, guiding your readers along the narrative.

Your choice of words also plays a vital role. Opt for clear and concise sentences that convey your message effectively. Connect ideas seamlessly by using transitional words and phrases. Building bridges between sentences leads your readers to the next captivating thought effortlessly.

13. Meta Tags Must Be Optimized

Meta Tags Must Be Optimized

A meta tag comprises two components: a meta title and a meta description.

Write a meta description that summarizes your content on search engine results pages. When you craft it strategically, these tags can:

  • Attract more clicks.
  • Increase organic traffic.
  • Improve search engine rankings.

Meta tags should be enticing and informative for users and satisfying to search engines. You’re creating mini sales pitches for each page of your website.

14. Has Your Content Been Fact-Checked?

Has Your Content Been Fact-Checked?

We hope that this content writing checklist is going well so far. Fact-checking is next on our list.

Content that is accurate and reliable is in high demand. That’s where fact-checking comes in. You’re like a detective, digging deep to uncover the truth and supporting your statements.

You might wonder, “How do I go about fact-checking my content?”

Here You Go:

  • Double-check your statistics.
  • Verifying sources to scrutinize quotes and cross-referencing information.

15. Where Do You Get Your Information? What Is Their Credibility?

Where Do You Get Your Information? What Is Their Credibility?

If you want a sustainable SEO strategy, it is important that you build credibility. This is where accurate and reliable information comes into play.

So, how do you determine if a source is credible?

Here are a few handy tips from our content writing checklist:

Evaluate whether the source is credible or not. Is it a reputable website, a renowned publication, or an expert in the field? Look for established sources with a track record of delivering accurate and trustworthy information.

Verify the expertise of the author! Who is the author of the information? Are they qualified, experienced, or certified to speak on the topic? There is often a knowledgeable expert behind a credible source.

Cross-check the information with other reliable sources. If multiple sources support the claims, it adds credibility to your own content.

Biases are inevitable, but you should be aware of any bias in your information. Present a balanced perspective to your audience and strive for objectivity.

16. How Current Is Your Information?

How Current Is Your Information?

Have you ever read an article or blog post that was outdated and irrelevant? It’s a major disappointment.

Well.. you don’t want to disappoint your readers. Right?

Keeping your content fresh and updated is crucial in an online world that evolves faster than you can say “search algorithm.”

Your readers get accurate information, and search engines know your content is trustworthy and relevant.

Before incorporating any information (especially data or statistics) in your content piece, ensure they are the most recent.

17. Ensure Fail-Proof Internal Linking Structure

Ensure Fail-Proof Internal Linking Structure

As people explore and stay longer, they are more likely to become loyal customers and fans. As simple as it may sound.

Here’s a clever trick: Search engines love it when you strategically link to other relevant content on your website. Your audience will look at all the amazing content and say – “Wow, these people really know their stuff!” It’s like showing off our knowledge and expertise.

However, you must be cautious and not go overboard with this strategy. It’s crucial to only link to content that genuinely aligns with the topic at hand.

Some posts go crazy and start linking to totally unrelated content. This is something that you must refrain from.

18. Don’t Optimize Your Content Solely Based On A Plugin

Don’t Optimize Your Content Solely Based On A Plugin

There is no doubt that plugins can be handy!

Plugins provide helpful suggestions, keyword analysis, and even readability scores.

However, here’s the reality check: plugins are not the be-all and end-all of SEO.

Plugins are designed to be general and cater to various websites and industries.

They can’t fully understand the unique nuances of your content, your target audience, or your specific goals.

Plugins can be useful for getting started, but only relying on them can result in generic, cookie-cutter content.

To optimize your content, you need a human touch—a skilled content writer who understands your brand, audience, and objectives. Someone who can create engaging, informative, and well-structured content that resonates with your readers.

A plugin can’t do that.

19. Were You Able To Outperform Your Competitors With The Content?

Were You Able To Outperform Your Competitors With The Content?

We are at the second last part section of this content writing checklist. Tell us, how’s it been so far?

It’s time to compare your content with your competitors.

Are you able to outrank your competitors with your content? Is it able to captivate and keep your audience engaged?

Here Is How You Can Gauge The Effectiveness Of Your Content:

  • Figure out content gaps. Is there anything that your competitor has covered but you haven’t?
  • Have you missed any keywords?
  • Have your competitors taken any new perspective or any fresh angle that you haven’t?
  • Were you able to meet the search intent the way your competitor do?

Once you pay attention to the questions, you can provide more value to your audience.

20. Quality And Quantity Of Calls-To-Action

Quality And Quantity Of Calls-To-Action

When you invest time and energy into creating engaging content, not leveraging it for conversions would be a missed opportunity. That’s where CTAs come in.

CTAs tell your readers what they should do next. Without CTA, your content might leave visitors wandering aimlessly, unsure of what steps to take.

But here’s the catch: the mere presence of a CTA isn’t enough.

You need to ensure its quality too. You should craft a CTA that is clear, compelling, and attention-grabbing.

Readers should be motivated to click, sign up, or purchase by creating a sense of urgency or offering an irresistible benefit.

And That’s A Wrap!

We hope that this SEO writing checklist was able to educate and inform you.

Make sure you incorporate these tips into your practice. Next time you write SEO content, tick all the boxes.

Does it sound easy to you? Do you feel intimidated that you have to consider 20 factors when writing? If yes, then there is a way! If you need assistance, you can turn to a content writing agency.

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Mashum Mollah-image
Mashum Mollah
Content Writer

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at BloggerOutreach.io.