Through a LinkedIn conversation, Google’s John Mueller clarified that publishing tons of content doesn’t necessarily guarantee a faster indexing process.
In his words:
“I see some folks try to turn this around, pushing their content to be crawled more frequently, so that Google will think it’s good. IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY, IT DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. HELLO. Your kids won’t start loving kale if you force it down their throats in the same way they stuff ice cream in their faces.”
His statement, “Step one: make truly awesome things” is self-explanatory. This clearly indicates Google’s message – think about people, offer genuine help, and grow your audience. Google will automatically start valuing you.
So, HCU (helpful content update) affected websites can expect a slower indexing rate.
(The algorithm doesn’t perceive your website as a top-notch value provider.) The same goes for websites affected by March 2024 spam updates.
But don’t worry! Improvement strategies are always there. We already have an article on crawlability problems. Go and check it out.
Okay, let’s come back to this article.
Remember, publishing more content will not help you in ranking as well.
So, the March 2024 Spam update is just over. It’s better to keep your strategy revolving around something meaningful.
Your Roadmap
Well, many SEOs complain that Google is inclined towards big brands (as the top players are getting higher ranks). They claimed not to get the top spot even after creating top-quality content.
But we advise you not to waste your time complaining. Instead, keep creating high quality assets. Because this in the long run will speed up your indexing rate, and improve visibility and ranking.