1. Use Keyword-Rich Titles And Descriptions 

2. Optimize URL Structure

3. Implement Breadcrumb Navigation

4. Use High-Quality Images And Alt Text

5. Write Unique Category Descriptions 

6. Optimize For Mobile

7. Use Internal Linking Strategically

8. Optimize Page Load Speed

9. Implement Schema Markup

10. Create SEO-Friendly H1 Tags And Subheadings 

11. Encourage User Reviews And Ratings

Wrapping Up 

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Dipaly Banerjee-image

Dipaly Banerjee, a cinephile and horror enthusiast, channels her love for storytelling into her work as a senior content writer. With four years of experience, she enjoys writing marketing, educational, fashion, and entertainment articles. When not immersed in writing, Dipaly enjoys travelling and spending time with her furry friend, Lilith!