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7 Blogger Outreach Opportunities To Boost The Reach Of Your Brand

7 Blogger Outreach Opportunities To Boost The Reach Of Your Brand

1. Transform Your Top Followers Into Brand Ambassadors

To Achieve This Objective, You Should: 

2. Researching Potential Bloggers 

(i) Use The Power Of Search Engines 

(ii) Leveraging Social Media 

(iii) Using Blogger Outreach Tools 

  • BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo is a great resource for identifying leading bloggers and influencers in your industry and provides reach and interaction metrics.
  • Ninja Outreach: Ninja Outreach streamlines the outreach process by offering a one-stop shop for finding and getting in touch with bloggers.
  • Followerwonk: Using Followerwonk, you may identify influential people in your business and examine your Twitter following.
  • Traackr: Maintaining efficient and fruitful connections is ensured with Traackr’s assistance in managing and measuring your influencer relationships.

3. Evaluating Blogger Potential

(i) Examining Blog Analytics 

  • Domain Authority (DA): This measure shows how well-optimized a website is overall. A blog with a higher DA is more credible and authoritative. 
  • Monthly Traffic: A blog’s monthly traffic level is very important. High monthly traffic blogs might help your company get more visibility. 
  • Social Media Following: Determine the number of followers a blogger has on different social media networks. A large following can magnify your message.
  • Tools: Tools like Moz and SEMrush are quite useful for delivering these analytics. 

(ii) Evaluating The Quality Of Content 

  • Relevance: The information should speak to your target audience and be in line with your brand. 
  • Engagement: Look for a lot of likes, shares, and comments. This suggests that readers find the text meaningful. 
  • Writing Quality: Content should be useful, polished, and well-written. High-quality writing benefits the blogger and any related brands. 

(iii) Evaluating Engagement Levels 

4. Use The Most Relevant Influencers To Create Blogger Outreach Opportunities 

  • Set Up Commun.it: This tool is good at helping people to identify their followers. It will help you even if you pay for a month or set up a free trial. Once you get your influencers, you can add them to the Sensible private list. 
  • Set Up BuzzSumo Alerts: Setting up alerts on BuzzSumo for the top keywords on your brand will see you get several articles via email every day. You can monitor the shared content to point out writers who are talking about relevant or similar topics. 
  • Create A List Using Google Search Operator: The beauty of Goole is that it pre-qualifies your influencers. If these people are ranking highly in Google, you can be sure they are authoritative. After identifying them, follow them on both Feedly and your list. 

5. Develop A Plan To Approach Bloggers 

  1. Keep it Short: This point is critical when you are reaching out to industry leaders. These people don’t have the time to read long stories. Therefore, keep it short if you want to grab their attention. 
  1. Get Personal: Personalization will give the relationship a positive start. You can design a template but give it an element that is unique to that influencer. 
  1. Remain Professional: You should convey authoritative and professional confidence to make your pitching more compelling. 
  1. Be Transparent: Most influencers will delete your email if you present yourself as a salesperson. Be transparent about your expectations and what you can offer in return. Your primary goal should be building a relationship. 

6. Create Content That Will Attract Influencers And Bloggers

7. Develop Long-term Relationships

  • Following them continuously and sharing their content.
  • Commenting on their social profiles and blogs.
  • Using paid amplification for their content. It is not harmful to spend a few dollars to amplify the content that is on your Facebook page.
  • You can also give them a call and even meet over a cup of coffee. 

9 Hacks For Blogger Outreach Opportunities

  • Blog search engines and blog directories.
  • Blog aggregators and story.
  • Communities, banners, and badges.
  • Check blog comments.
  • Find out which inbound links to competitors.
  • Google it.
  • Pay for Crowd-Sourced Services.
  • Scrap Long Links List With ‘Klipper.’

1. Blog Search Engines And Blog Directories

2. Blog Aggregators And Story

3. Communities, Banners, And Badges

4. Check Blog Comments

7. Use Clever Search Quarries To Google It

8. Premium Crowdsourced Services: 

Blogger Outreach Opportunities: Final Thoughts 

Dipaly Banerjee-image

Dipaly Banerjee, a cinephile and horror enthusiast, channels her love for storytelling into her work as a senior content writer. With four years of experience, she enjoys writing marketing, educational, fashion, and entertainment articles. When not immersed in writing, Dipaly enjoys travelling and spending time with her furry friend, Lilith!