
What Is Dogpile Search Engine?

What Is Dogpile Search Engine

History Of Dogpile Search Engine

Look And Feel Of Dogpile Search Engine  


Features Of The Dogpile Search Engine

Dogpile, unlike search engines like Google, is a metasearch engine. This means it doesn’t have its own database of web pages. Instead, it pulls results from various search engines and combines them into a single list for you. Here are some of Dogpile’s features:

  • Metasearch functionality: This is its core function, allowing you to see results from multiple sources without having to visit each search engine individually.
  • Category Links: Dogpile helps you refine your search by offering category-specific searches like News, Images, and Videos.
  • Search Refinements: Dogpile offers features like “Are You Looking For?” which suggests alternative spellings and related keywords to help you find what you need.
  • Result Management: Dogpile eliminates duplicate results from different search engines and displays a supposedly curated list.
  • Customization: Dogpile allows you to set some search preferences.
  • Trending Searches: It provides a glimpse into what other users are searching for through “Favorite Fetches”.

However, it’s important to note that it lacks some functionalities like advanced search filters or mobile apps.

Is Dogpile A Good Search Engine?

So, Who Should Use Dogpile?

Biggest Drawback Of Dogpile Search Engine – Privacy  


Dogpile vs Google

Dogpile vs Google

With Dogpile, you can search across Google, Bing, and Yahoo for a more comprehensive search experience.

Google provides search results based on keywords, location, and website authority, using advanced algorithms.

Well, Let’s Look At The Differences Between These Two:

Search Sources:

  • Dogpile: Aggregates results from various search engines.
  • Google: Generates its own search results based on its index of web pages.

Search Algorithms:

  • Dogpile: Primarily relies on algorithms from other search engines.
  • Google: Uses its proprietary PageRank and other algorithms to rank websites.

User Base:

  • Dogpile: Has a smaller user base compared to Google.
  • Google: Dominates the search engine market with a vast user base.

Market Share:

  • Dogpile: Holds a very small share of the search engine market.
  • Google: Commands a significant majority of the search engine market.


  • Dogpile: Offers a metasearch feature, combining results for users who want diverse search results.
  • Google: Provides a wide range of services beyond search, like Google Ads, Maps, and YouTube.

Digital Marketing Implications:

  • Dogpile: May have lower advertising opportunities due to a smaller user base.
  • Google: Offers extensive advertising options through Google Ads, reaching a massive audience.

SEO Focus:

  • Dogpile: This may require less SEO effort due to reliance on other search engines’ algorithms.
  • Google: Demands a more targeted and comprehensive SEO strategy to rank higher in search results.

Dogpile Search Engine Changes Name To Avoid Stink

When you hear the name Dogpile what comes into your mind first? Yes, it may be doggie doo. And when it comes to Europeans and British, they are more specific about all these things than Americans.

So, only for Europe and the United Kingdom, the Dogpile search engine has changed its name to WebFetch. As per the reports, the new name WebFetch has wider international comprehension and also maintains a solid association with its popular cult dog mascot.

Arfie is the mascot for Dogpile or WebFetch for Europe and the UK. The scenario is totally different for the United States of America. And there, it does not matter what your image is of a Dog’s pile. The very name Dogpile will stick to the useful search toolbar and metasearch engine.

For most of the functionality the Dogpile search engine offers, it has to rely on other search tools. For normal searches, it takes help from About, Yahoo, Google, Overture, Teoma, and Ask Jeeves. When it comes to web directories, it has Open Directory, LookSmart, and About.

The list does not end here. It also has some paid inclusion sites, such as FindWhat, Sprinks, and Overture. If you are thinking about vertical search engines, the names are Yahoo, Guaranteed Search Inclusion, PriceGrabber, ABC News, Ditto, and many more.

For further information, you may like to know that WebFetch or Dogpile toolbar has managed to make some friends with its RSS Feed Reader.

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Aritra Sarkar-image

Aritra Sarkar is a professional content writer who loves learning, exploring, and writing on tech, digital marketing, social media, SEO, marketing etc. He is well known for his expertise in the content marketing industry.